Monday, September 13, 2010

Videos of Leo - Taken 09/12/10

Leo walking across aisle (right side)

Leo walking across aisle (left side)

 Checking for sensitivity

Walking back into stall

Turning in stall

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Welcome to my new blog! Not much info at this point - just getting things started. I can't say I'm happy about the reason that drove the creation of this blog (Leo's laminitis), but hopefully other owners will be able to access it to learn more about this awful disease.

Many thanks to all of my family & friends who have been so supportive through Leo & my battle - you have all been amazing! Also a special thank you to Dr. Deron Nelson and the team at West Michigan Veterinary Service; they've been Johnny-on-the-spot answering my myriads of questions and giving Leo the best treatment possible.

More to come, but glad you're here!