Leo's Laminitis, Days 20-26 (6/12-6/18)

Sun 6/13, 8:30 pm: 1 gram Bute. Very happy in new stall!

Mon 6/14: Now on Bute only in the am!

Tues 6/15: [Rebecca] Everything is good! 1 gram Bute am.

Wed 6/16: Cleaned stall. Doing okay, but sick of being in her stall. Seems to be doing pretty well on 1 gram of Bute - doesn't seem too tender. Been afraid to pick up hind feet to clean them - didn't want to put too much pressure on front feet. Tried for the first time today since onset - she did very well! Picked up both hind feet willingly & didn't seem to have a problem standing on front two feet. Eating very quickly, still drinking pretty well. Only 2 buckets probably needed. She never drinks out of the one on the ground, so I took it out of her stall. Other horses still seemt o be pretty good about hanging out with her, especially when she's eating. :)

Fri 6/18: Did lots of work tonight. Supposed to storm, so brought horses in. Then it didn't storm, at least while I was here. Leo seems pretty sad. she's always trying to get out! At least she can look outside. Doesn't seem to be in any pain. 1 more week of Bute, I think.