Leo's Laminitis, Foot Photos

8.16.10 - Unfortunately I couldn't get Leo to come out of her stall onto the concrete aisle tonight; she knows that walking on concrete is painful, and sometimes when her pain level is up she just outright refuses to put her feet on the concrete. She's been off bute for 48 hours now (for the first time in about a month), and the true colors of her pain are starting to show.

Front feet both wedges in, 8.16.10

Front left both wedges in, 8.16.10

Front feet, both wedges in 8.16.10

Front left both wedges in, 8.16.10

Front feet, both wedges in, 8.16.10

Front left, both wedges in, 8.16.10

Front right, both wedges in, 8.16.10

Front feet, both wedges in, 8.16.10

Left hind, 8.16.10

Right hind, 8.16.10

Right hind, 8.16.10

9.3.10 - Leo seems to be doing better the past week or so. She's moving around her stall pretty well, and when I leave the door open to "invite" her to come out so that she can cross the aisle into the stall across the way so I can clean her's, she's coming out of her stall willingly on her own. The last time she had bute was Wednesday evening, 9/1, and she seems to be doing well. Here are some photos I took of her feet.

09.03.10, Hind Feet

09.03.10, Hind Feet

09.03.10, Hind Feet

09.03.10, Hind Feet
09.03.10, Hind Feet
09.03.10, Hind Feet

09.03.10, Front Feet

09.03.10, Right Front

09.03.10, Left Front

09.03.10, Right Front

09.03.10, Left Front (1)

09.03.10, Left Front (2)

09.03.10, Front Feet

9.4.10 - After taking photos of Leo's feet on Friday night, I decided to clean her hairiness up & take another set on Saturday. I clipped her coronet bands (so the new hoof growth would be easier to see), and I also clipped her fetlocks (because long fetlocks just bug me :) ). She was a gem through it all - not that clipping normally bothers her, but I was all over the place under her & around her feet, and she just stood there. She also stood perfectly still when I was laying on my belly on the cement aisleway trying to get ground-level photos of her feet...what an amazing horse!

9.4.10, Left side view

9.4.10, Right side view

9.4.10, Left Front

9.4.10, Right Front

9.4.10, Weird bulge - abcess?

9.4.10, Weird bulge - abcess?

9.4.10, Left hind (outside view)
9.4.10, Left hind (inside view)
9.4.10, Right hind (outside view)
9.4.10, Right hind (inside view)
9.4.10, Left hind

9.4.10, Right hind

9.14.10, Sole

9.14.10, Sole